I know so many people who read self-help books or meet with life coaches but don’t see real breakthrough. So what’s the problem? Trust me when I say those things are all good (I’m an author of a few books that I hope really help people), however they often just fall short of making a lasting impact. Resources may influence you, but they’re likely not going to change you. But don’t get discouraged! The truth is that if you’re trying to change your life, you can literally do it right now.
That’s right, you actually have everything you need right now to make a difference in your own life. You see, thriving has much more to do with your willpower than your circumstances, and even your thought life. I believe that aligning our own wills with the will of God is the most empowering and lasting way to change our lives for the better!
Will is defined in Merriam-Webster dictionary as, “the power of control over one’s own actions or emotions” or “something desired; especially: a choice or determination of one having authority or power.” Check out today’s Flashback Friday video to hear more about willing ourselves into our destinies and an abundant life:
In a nutshell:
• We have to will to be men and women who thrive.
• Although self-help books and resources are good, until you make the choice to will yourself into victory the resources will not change you.
• The day you decide to will to be a child of God, and reject anything your mind brings to you that does not encourage that, your life will change.
• Everything that makes you feel powerless is a lie. In the same way, anything that tells you that you can’t change is a lie.
• We are not powerless to the thoughts that pop in our heads. In fact, we can choose to believe the truth that we have the mind of Christ.
• Managing your will is a lifetime journey of discipline and deciding over and over again, “I will not believe that lie. I will rather believe this truth about myself.” It becomes easier over time.
• Christ is in us! (Colossians 1:27) And He is powerful! He will help us to manage our will.
• Declarations are a powerful way to align your will and your mind with what God says about you.
Today I want to encourage you that you’re more than a conqueror and you have the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16)! You are not the sum of what your temptations and your feelings
dictate! You have authority to “destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ,” (2 Corinthians 10:5). So, what are you waiting for? I want to encourage you to take some time to say the declarations at the end of this video over yourself. Pick one or two that stand out to you, and say them over yourself everyday.
The way I see it is we all have a few choices to make. First, to choose to believe in the power of our will and the fact that we are not victims. Second, to make a choice to invite Holy Spirit to help us manage our will and never go back to a victim mentality. And lastly, to give ourselves to the process of choosing the truth every single day. What are you doing today to break out of a victim mentality? I’d love to hear about your process in the comments!