Kris Vallotton • Nov 10, 2015

My 8 Eschatological Core Values

Our view of the end times can be a deciding factor in how we live our lives. Here are my eight eschatological core values.

1. I will not embrace an end-time worldview that re-empowers a disempowered devil.

2. I will not accept an eschatology that takes away my children’s future, and creates mindsets that undermine the mentality of leaving a legacy.

3. I will not tolerate any theology that sabotages the clear command of Jesus to make disciples of all nations and the Lord’s Prayer that earth would be like heaven.

4. I will not allow any interpretation of the scriptures that destroys hope for the nations and undermines our command to restore ruined cities.

5. I will not embrace an eschatology that changes the nature of a good God.

6. I refuse to embrace any mindset that celebrates bad news as a sign of the times and a necessary requirement for the return of Jesus.

7. I am opposed to any doctrinal position that pushes the promises of God into a time zone that can’t be obtained in my generation and therefore takes away any responsibility I have to believe God for them in my lifetime.

8. I don’t believe that the last days are a time of judgment, nor do I believe God gave the church the right to call for wrath for sinful cities. There is a day of judgment in which GOD will judge man, not us.

Do you have any other end-time core values to add to my list? Let me know in the comments below.


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