Have you noticed the funk of despair that’s hanging over the earth right now? I have the honor of getting to travel all over the world and it’s crazy to see that many countries are under a spirit of despair. This spirit looks at situations and imagines the worst case scenario. It sucks all hope out of the atmosphere and makes us feel like the world is falling down around us.
It would be easy for us to come under this spirit, to look at our national debt or the immorality in the world, and think that the world is getting darker. But today I want to propose to you that the Kingdom of God is expanding, and if we wake up and
open our eyes I know that we will be able to be hope bearers to a broken world!
Check out more on today’s Monday Motivation video:
In a nutshell:
• There’s a sense of despair, hopelessness, and a feeling that things are getting worse and worse hanging over the planet
• If we’re being real, there are some thing that are not going well. I totally understand this. But we have to realize that there are a lot of things that are getting better.
• The Kingdom is expanding! Isaiah 9:7 says “There will be no end to the increase of His government or of peace, On the throne of David and over his kingdom, To establish it and to uphold it with justice and righteousness, From then on and forevermore. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will accomplish this.”
• Optimism that isn’t based in faith is just a good mindset. Optimism that isn’t rooted in God is just humanism.
• We must be more than optimistic; we must see the world through the eyes of God and have faith for the world to get better.
• God is asking us, “ Can these dry bones live?
• I have a sense that if God could get people to believe that He’s more powerful than the negativity we see in the world, we would actually lose the spirit of despair and gain a sense of hope.
• Despair is floating in the air ad it says that problems are bigger than God—this debt is bigger than God, this immorality is bigger than God…
• We can’t take Jesus out of the equation. We have the mind of Christ, and He goes wherever we go!
Let’s meditate on 1 John 2:8, which says: “On the other hand, I am writing a new commandment to you, which is true in Him and in you, because the darkness is passing away and the true Light is already shining.” Remember that regardless of what’s happening in the world around us, the truth—what God says about a situation or condition— overrides the facts
Just as God did the impossible in Ezekiel’s nation to make an army of dry bones live, He wants to do the impossible in and through us too! I want to challenge you this week to ask Holy Spirit to reveal any problem that you’re looking at as bigger than God. Let’s repent from that thinking and break away from partnering with despair. Then, I want you to take that problem, whether it be a mountain of debt, an issue of morality etc. and speak life over it. Ask God what He thinks about it, then speak that truth out loud. I bet some of the answers He gives may surprise you!
I encourage you to speak a new declaration of truth over that issue every day this week. Let’s prophesy over the valleys of dry bones that the world is facing today! What valley are you praying over? I’d love to hear your declarations in the comments!