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By Kris Vallotton March 5, 2025
Have you ever felt called to a spiritual role but struggled to find your place in it? Perhaps you've experienced a divine moment where God revealed a prophetic gift in your life, yet you found yourself wondering why others don't seem to recognize or acknowledge it. This tension between divine calling and human recognition can be one of the most challenging aspects of walking in prophetic ministry. I've spoken with countless individuals who believe God has called them to be prophets, yet they feel frustrated when church leadership doesn't immediately recognize their office. They often share powerful testimonies of divine encounters or prophetic words that confirmed their calling. But here's the beautiful truth I've discovered: authentic spiritual authority requires both divine appointment and human recognition. Scripture shows us that even Jesus "increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men" (Luke 2:52). This powerful verse reveals an important principle – spiritual authority flourishes at the intersection of Heaven's approval and earthly recognition. The Bible offers us profound wisdom about this journey of walking out our prophetic calling. Let's explore three essential principles that can help you navigate this path with grace and wisdom. 1. Understand the Process Between Anointing and Appointment King David's story provides one of the most powerful examples of the gap between divine calling and public recognition. When Samuel anointed David as king, the Spirit of the Lord came upon him powerfully – yet David didn't actually become king for fourteen years! During that time, he served faithfully, developed his character, and waited for God's timing. The journey between your prophetic calling and your public commissioning is not an accident – it's divine design. This season of preparation builds the character, wisdom, and spiritual maturity needed to carry the weight of prophetic authority. Just as David was anointed three times – once by God through Samuel and twice by the people – your prophetic gift may require multiple confirmations. Remember that if you have favor with God but not yet with leadership, pushing for recognition prematurely can lead to painful experiences. As Proverbs 18:16 reminds us, " A man's gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men. " Allow your gift to create the space for your ministry rather than trying to force open doors that aren't ready to receive you. 2. Avoid Self-Promotion and Political Maneuvering It’s important to realize that even though your gift is what gets you into the room, your character is the thing that keeps you there. There's a stark warning in Scripture about gaining influence through manipulation rather than divine timing. Absalom, David's son, shows us the danger of winning people's hearts through flattery, false promises, and undermining leadership. He created a following by positioning himself as more accessible and understanding than the established authority. In today's social media age, the temptation toward self-promotion has never been stronger. We can easily build platforms that elevate our image above our character. But true prophetic authority doesn't come through marketing yourself as an expert – it comes through humble service, consistent character, and divine timing. James 4:6 reminds us that " God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. " When we push for recognition prematurely or through manipulation, we may gain a position but miss the protection that comes with proper promotion. Like Joseph, who shared his prophetic dreams prematurely with his brothers, our lack of wisdom can create a much more difficult path to our destiny than God intended. 3. Embrace the Preparation Process The weight of the prophetic office is both invisible and substantial. I've witnessed many genuinely called individuals crumble under the pressure of premature promotion. The apostle Paul wisely instructed that leaders " should first be tested and then let them serve " (1 Timothy 3:10), and warned against laying hands on anyone hastily (1 Timothy 5:22). True preparation for prophetic ministry involves more than just having accurate prophetic words. It requires developing spiritual maturity, biblical understanding, relational wisdom, and emotional health. If you sense a prophetic calling on your life, embrace the preparation process with patience and humility. Serve faithfully where you are. Allow trusted leaders to speak into your life and development. Study the Scriptures diligently. And remember that the process between the promise and the palace is not just necessary – it's a gift that prepares you to succeed when your time comes. My prayer for you is that you would find peace in God's timing for your prophetic journey. May you grow in both favor with God and with people, allowing the Lord to develop in you the character needed to carry His voice with integrity. Let me be clear- the path to your prophetic purpose isn't just about reaching a destination – it's about becoming the person who can faithfully steward the authority that comes with it.
By Kris Vallotton February 12, 2025
Kathy and I are celebrating our 50th anniversary this year, and we’ve been together for 54. We’ve experienced highs and lows together and built a life I never imagined possible! Over the past 50+ years, we’ve learned a few things that I want to share with you to help your marriage thrive!  Know when to sacrifice pleasure for the pursuit of joy. Kathy and I have learned when to sacrifice pleasure for the pursuit of joy; this is the discipline of laying down your life for another. A practical example of this is when people find out we have horses. They say, “Oh wow, Kris, you have horses!” My response to them goes something like this, “No, I don’t have horses. Kathy has horses. I only pay for the horses.” Their next question for me usually is, “Don’t you like horses?” To which I respond, “No, I don’t like horses, but I like Kathy.” You see, I get a lot of joy out of doing what Kathy wants to do. I am willing to sacrifice my own pleasure to pursue what develops joy in our marriage. It’s not one-sided, Kathy does the same for me. 2. Forgiveness restores the standard. If you’ve been in a relationship for any length of time, then you know the honeymoon phase doesn't last forever. The person that you love and cherish at the deepest level is the same person that will stretch, challenge, and offend you. I learned this lesson years ago when my kids were teenagers. I became angry with Kathy in front of them and treated her disrespectfully. An hour later, I apologized, and she forgave me. Colossians 3:13 tells us that “Bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive". The truth is, forgiveness restores the standard of holiness in us and through us. 3. It’s not bad if your spouse thinks differently than you. Men and women think differently, and this is metaphorically demonstrated in the way they were created. Please understand what I am trying to communicate here. I am not at all trying to dishonor either gender. I know that women and men are equally intelligent. When Kathy and I got married, I didn’t understand marriage or women at all. I was so ignorant that it wasn’t even funny. I just had no value for Kathy’s opinion, while we were making decisions, when she refused to produce the facts for her conclusions. She often prefaced her statements with phrases like, “I feel like...,” “It troubles me that...,” “I don’t feel good about that...,” and so on. But what I learned over time, as many of my great decisions began to turn into mistakes, was that her “It feels like” or “This troubles me” were often a lot more accurate than the so-called facts! As the years have rolled on, I have learned to invite the rest of me, and my other half, my wife, into all of my decisions. And she has learned the same thing. We were made to be together. We are one flesh, a mystery that continues to unfold with time. 4. Vision gives pain a purpose. It is my conviction that we are living in a generation perishing for lack of vision. This is evident in many different areas of life, but I also see it in marriages. Having a vision for your marriage will help you persevere through the harder seasons that you’ll face together. Many years ago I had a vision where I was standing next to this elderly gentleman and could see him perfectly, but the man could not see me. The older man was surrounded by children and grandchildren telling stories about the family's history, lineage, and favor with God. In the vision he said, “And all of this began with your great-great-grandmother and great-great-grandfather.” I looked up and above the mantle of the fireplace and there was a huge portrait of Kathy and me! The Lord spoke to me and said: “You are no longer to live for a ministry—you are to live to leave a legacy! Your children’s children’s children are depending on you leaving them a world in revival. From this day forward, you will live for a generation that you will never see. You are to have a one-hundred-year vision so that you can build from the future.” This vision of our future helped us in developing a strategy to apprehend God’s goals for our lives, and it was the fuel that kept us going in the harder seasons. Consequently, from that day on, we began to build from the future, as the Lord had said. Let me be clear: you don't have to have a literal vision like I did, but you should have a vision and a direction for the future! ​​Your marriage isn’t just about you, it’s about the generations that will follow. The truth is, the way you love, lead, and fight for your marriage today is building a legacy for your children and their children. So take time with your spouse, dream with God, and dream with each other. Get a vision for your family’s future! The breakthrough you experience now will impact the generations to come.
By Kris Vallotton January 1, 2025
As we step into 2025, people are often thinking about engaging in the time-honored yet unspoken custom of setting New Year’s Resolutions. Many people jump on the opportunity to develop new healthier habits and pursue positive change with the start of a brand new year. Most New Year's Resolutions revolve around diet and exercise, finances, relationships, and hobbies or personal interests. New Year's Resolutions help by giving people a vision for when they endure the challenges that come with change. Losing 100 pounds or being more diligent with saving money isn't always easy and vision gives pain a purpose! All of these areas are important to focus on, but oftentimes we neglect spiritual topics when forming our resolutions. As we focus on building our physical lives and pursuing health and wholeness with the New Year, it’s crucial not to overlook our spiritual growth and well-being. I’m going to share four spiritual disciplines you can grow in this New Year, along with practical tips to help you follow through. Some of these may appear simple, but when practiced consistently over a long period of time, they can lead to deep transformation! 1. Bible Reading This should come as no surprise, but it can be very difficult to find time on a busy day to sit down and read the Scriptures. Some people have a hard time sitting and being still to read while others are bombarded by the busyness of their lives. I want to encourage you to prioritize your time in the Word this year - I make sure to read at least one chapter each day. It might mean having to sacrifice something. Perhaps it’s waking up earlier to have an extra 30 minutes in your routine. Try leaving your Bible open on your kitchen counter the night before, so you see it in the morning. Maybe you can bring your Bible during your lunch break and have a meal with Jesus. You can even listen to the Bible on audio for your morning commute! My encouragement is to start small and build the habit. 2. Prayer Personal prayer can look different to everyone. Some people have no problem praying for over an hour a day, other people have a hard time finding a moment in an entire week! The goal here is to make sure that we are staying in communion with God. There may be sometimes where you only have two minutes to pray in-between meetings or running errands. There may be other times where you have to go into your room, lock your door and pray in secret for an extended period of time like the Bible says. Let me be clear: the goal is consistent communion with the Father. Try setting reminders or alarms on your phone to go off at certain parts of the day. It doesn't have to be long. These reminders can be specific like, “Pray for my family member” or “Pray for healing for this coworker.” You can write them down on pieces of paper and stick them to the walls in your house. 3. Community This may not feel like a discipline, but one of the most challenging things that a person's spiritual growth could face is solitude. When God created Adam he said that it was not good for man to be alone. We were created for community and Jesus was often found doing ministry and life around a group of people except for the times where he went alone to pray. Stepping out into community can be challenging. Maybe you struggle with fear of rejection, not fitting in, or you're scared of how people will respond when they really begin to know you. If you find yourself being isolated, reach out to some people. Text a friend that you know and trust and share that you want to spend more time around people. If you're part of a local church see what kind of small groups they have to offer. Community is a key for growth in 2025. Proverbs 27:17 says, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” 4. Serving When Jesus was on earth he said in Matthew 20:28 that, “Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.” Serving was at the center of Jesus’ ministry. He met the physical needs of people by providing food miraculously as well as the spiritual needs of people by offering salvation to everyone who would believe. When we serve people we are like Christ. There may be people coming to your mind already who have a need. They could be in your church family, or a friend from school or work. It doesn’t have to be someone you know! Try paying for someone’s coffee in line and leaving them with some encouragement. There are so many ways that we can serve people and make them feel seen and loved. When they feel seen and loved, they are often very receptive to the Gospel. The power in these disciplines isn’t just doing them once, but in repeating them over a long period of time. As Zechariah 4:10 reminds us, we should not despise small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin. My prayer for you is that what would start as spiritual disciplines would grow into spiritual devotion. That you would find joy in these things and that they would draw you closer to the Father!

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By Kris Vallotton March 5, 2025
Have you ever felt called to a spiritual role but struggled to find your place in it? Perhaps you've experienced a divine moment where God revealed a prophetic gift in your life, yet you found yourself wondering why others don't seem to recognize or acknowledge it. This tension between divine calling and human recognition can be one of the most challenging aspects of walking in prophetic ministry. I've spoken with countless individuals who believe God has called them to be prophets, yet they feel frustrated when church leadership doesn't immediately recognize their office. They often share powerful testimonies of divine encounters or prophetic words that confirmed their calling. But here's the beautiful truth I've discovered: authentic spiritual authority requires both divine appointment and human recognition. Scripture shows us that even Jesus "increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men" (Luke 2:52). This powerful verse reveals an important principle – spiritual authority flourishes at the intersection of Heaven's approval and earthly recognition. The Bible offers us profound wisdom about this journey of walking out our prophetic calling. Let's explore three essential principles that can help you navigate this path with grace and wisdom. 1. Understand the Process Between Anointing and Appointment King David's story provides one of the most powerful examples of the gap between divine calling and public recognition. When Samuel anointed David as king, the Spirit of the Lord came upon him powerfully – yet David didn't actually become king for fourteen years! During that time, he served faithfully, developed his character, and waited for God's timing. The journey between your prophetic calling and your public commissioning is not an accident – it's divine design. This season of preparation builds the character, wisdom, and spiritual maturity needed to carry the weight of prophetic authority. Just as David was anointed three times – once by God through Samuel and twice by the people – your prophetic gift may require multiple confirmations. Remember that if you have favor with God but not yet with leadership, pushing for recognition prematurely can lead to painful experiences. As Proverbs 18:16 reminds us, " A man's gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men. " Allow your gift to create the space for your ministry rather than trying to force open doors that aren't ready to receive you. 2. Avoid Self-Promotion and Political Maneuvering It’s important to realize that even though your gift is what gets you into the room, your character is the thing that keeps you there. There's a stark warning in Scripture about gaining influence through manipulation rather than divine timing. Absalom, David's son, shows us the danger of winning people's hearts through flattery, false promises, and undermining leadership. He created a following by positioning himself as more accessible and understanding than the established authority. In today's social media age, the temptation toward self-promotion has never been stronger. We can easily build platforms that elevate our image above our character. But true prophetic authority doesn't come through marketing yourself as an expert – it comes through humble service, consistent character, and divine timing. James 4:6 reminds us that " God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. " When we push for recognition prematurely or through manipulation, we may gain a position but miss the protection that comes with proper promotion. Like Joseph, who shared his prophetic dreams prematurely with his brothers, our lack of wisdom can create a much more difficult path to our destiny than God intended. 3. Embrace the Preparation Process The weight of the prophetic office is both invisible and substantial. I've witnessed many genuinely called individuals crumble under the pressure of premature promotion. The apostle Paul wisely instructed that leaders " should first be tested and then let them serve " (1 Timothy 3:10), and warned against laying hands on anyone hastily (1 Timothy 5:22). True preparation for prophetic ministry involves more than just having accurate prophetic words. It requires developing spiritual maturity, biblical understanding, relational wisdom, and emotional health. If you sense a prophetic calling on your life, embrace the preparation process with patience and humility. Serve faithfully where you are. Allow trusted leaders to speak into your life and development. Study the Scriptures diligently. And remember that the process between the promise and the palace is not just necessary – it's a gift that prepares you to succeed when your time comes. My prayer for you is that you would find peace in God's timing for your prophetic journey. May you grow in both favor with God and with people, allowing the Lord to develop in you the character needed to carry His voice with integrity. Let me be clear- the path to your prophetic purpose isn't just about reaching a destination – it's about becoming the person who can faithfully steward the authority that comes with it.
By Kris Vallotton February 12, 2025
Kathy and I are celebrating our 50th anniversary this year, and we’ve been together for 54. We’ve experienced highs and lows together and built a life I never imagined possible! Over the past 50+ years, we’ve learned a few things that I want to share with you to help your marriage thrive!  Know when to sacrifice pleasure for the pursuit of joy. Kathy and I have learned when to sacrifice pleasure for the pursuit of joy; this is the discipline of laying down your life for another. A practical example of this is when people find out we have horses. They say, “Oh wow, Kris, you have horses!” My response to them goes something like this, “No, I don’t have horses. Kathy has horses. I only pay for the horses.” Their next question for me usually is, “Don’t you like horses?” To which I respond, “No, I don’t like horses, but I like Kathy.” You see, I get a lot of joy out of doing what Kathy wants to do. I am willing to sacrifice my own pleasure to pursue what develops joy in our marriage. It’s not one-sided, Kathy does the same for me. 2. Forgiveness restores the standard. If you’ve been in a relationship for any length of time, then you know the honeymoon phase doesn't last forever. The person that you love and cherish at the deepest level is the same person that will stretch, challenge, and offend you. I learned this lesson years ago when my kids were teenagers. I became angry with Kathy in front of them and treated her disrespectfully. An hour later, I apologized, and she forgave me. Colossians 3:13 tells us that “Bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive". The truth is, forgiveness restores the standard of holiness in us and through us. 3. It’s not bad if your spouse thinks differently than you. Men and women think differently, and this is metaphorically demonstrated in the way they were created. Please understand what I am trying to communicate here. I am not at all trying to dishonor either gender. I know that women and men are equally intelligent. When Kathy and I got married, I didn’t understand marriage or women at all. I was so ignorant that it wasn’t even funny. I just had no value for Kathy’s opinion, while we were making decisions, when she refused to produce the facts for her conclusions. She often prefaced her statements with phrases like, “I feel like...,” “It troubles me that...,” “I don’t feel good about that...,” and so on. But what I learned over time, as many of my great decisions began to turn into mistakes, was that her “It feels like” or “This troubles me” were often a lot more accurate than the so-called facts! As the years have rolled on, I have learned to invite the rest of me, and my other half, my wife, into all of my decisions. And she has learned the same thing. We were made to be together. We are one flesh, a mystery that continues to unfold with time. 4. Vision gives pain a purpose. It is my conviction that we are living in a generation perishing for lack of vision. This is evident in many different areas of life, but I also see it in marriages. Having a vision for your marriage will help you persevere through the harder seasons that you’ll face together. Many years ago I had a vision where I was standing next to this elderly gentleman and could see him perfectly, but the man could not see me. The older man was surrounded by children and grandchildren telling stories about the family's history, lineage, and favor with God. In the vision he said, “And all of this began with your great-great-grandmother and great-great-grandfather.” I looked up and above the mantle of the fireplace and there was a huge portrait of Kathy and me! The Lord spoke to me and said: “You are no longer to live for a ministry—you are to live to leave a legacy! Your children’s children’s children are depending on you leaving them a world in revival. From this day forward, you will live for a generation that you will never see. You are to have a one-hundred-year vision so that you can build from the future.” This vision of our future helped us in developing a strategy to apprehend God’s goals for our lives, and it was the fuel that kept us going in the harder seasons. Consequently, from that day on, we began to build from the future, as the Lord had said. Let me be clear: you don't have to have a literal vision like I did, but you should have a vision and a direction for the future! ​​Your marriage isn’t just about you, it’s about the generations that will follow. The truth is, the way you love, lead, and fight for your marriage today is building a legacy for your children and their children. So take time with your spouse, dream with God, and dream with each other. Get a vision for your family’s future! The breakthrough you experience now will impact the generations to come.
By Kris Vallotton January 1, 2025
As we step into 2025, people are often thinking about engaging in the time-honored yet unspoken custom of setting New Year’s Resolutions. Many people jump on the opportunity to develop new healthier habits and pursue positive change with the start of a brand new year. Most New Year's Resolutions revolve around diet and exercise, finances, relationships, and hobbies or personal interests. New Year's Resolutions help by giving people a vision for when they endure the challenges that come with change. Losing 100 pounds or being more diligent with saving money isn't always easy and vision gives pain a purpose! All of these areas are important to focus on, but oftentimes we neglect spiritual topics when forming our resolutions. As we focus on building our physical lives and pursuing health and wholeness with the New Year, it’s crucial not to overlook our spiritual growth and well-being. I’m going to share four spiritual disciplines you can grow in this New Year, along with practical tips to help you follow through. Some of these may appear simple, but when practiced consistently over a long period of time, they can lead to deep transformation! 1. Bible Reading This should come as no surprise, but it can be very difficult to find time on a busy day to sit down and read the Scriptures. Some people have a hard time sitting and being still to read while others are bombarded by the busyness of their lives. I want to encourage you to prioritize your time in the Word this year - I make sure to read at least one chapter each day. It might mean having to sacrifice something. Perhaps it’s waking up earlier to have an extra 30 minutes in your routine. Try leaving your Bible open on your kitchen counter the night before, so you see it in the morning. Maybe you can bring your Bible during your lunch break and have a meal with Jesus. You can even listen to the Bible on audio for your morning commute! My encouragement is to start small and build the habit. 2. Prayer Personal prayer can look different to everyone. Some people have no problem praying for over an hour a day, other people have a hard time finding a moment in an entire week! The goal here is to make sure that we are staying in communion with God. There may be sometimes where you only have two minutes to pray in-between meetings or running errands. There may be other times where you have to go into your room, lock your door and pray in secret for an extended period of time like the Bible says. Let me be clear: the goal is consistent communion with the Father. Try setting reminders or alarms on your phone to go off at certain parts of the day. It doesn't have to be long. These reminders can be specific like, “Pray for my family member” or “Pray for healing for this coworker.” You can write them down on pieces of paper and stick them to the walls in your house. 3. Community This may not feel like a discipline, but one of the most challenging things that a person's spiritual growth could face is solitude. When God created Adam he said that it was not good for man to be alone. We were created for community and Jesus was often found doing ministry and life around a group of people except for the times where he went alone to pray. Stepping out into community can be challenging. Maybe you struggle with fear of rejection, not fitting in, or you're scared of how people will respond when they really begin to know you. If you find yourself being isolated, reach out to some people. Text a friend that you know and trust and share that you want to spend more time around people. If you're part of a local church see what kind of small groups they have to offer. Community is a key for growth in 2025. Proverbs 27:17 says, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” 4. Serving When Jesus was on earth he said in Matthew 20:28 that, “Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.” Serving was at the center of Jesus’ ministry. He met the physical needs of people by providing food miraculously as well as the spiritual needs of people by offering salvation to everyone who would believe. When we serve people we are like Christ. There may be people coming to your mind already who have a need. They could be in your church family, or a friend from school or work. It doesn’t have to be someone you know! Try paying for someone’s coffee in line and leaving them with some encouragement. There are so many ways that we can serve people and make them feel seen and loved. When they feel seen and loved, they are often very receptive to the Gospel. The power in these disciplines isn’t just doing them once, but in repeating them over a long period of time. As Zechariah 4:10 reminds us, we should not despise small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin. My prayer for you is that what would start as spiritual disciplines would grow into spiritual devotion. That you would find joy in these things and that they would draw you closer to the Father!
By Kris Vallotton November 27, 2024
During Christmas of 2012 Kathy and I learned a very valuable lesson about gratitude and entitlement… In years past leading up to Christmas we had always gotten a “Christmas want list” from each of our grandkids. Kathy would go through all the lists and pick out only a few items to buy for each of our grandkids. But that year Kathy decided to get them everything on their list! As we bought gifts our Christmas tree soon began to disappear behind a wall of wrapped presents. Christmas morning came and we gathered as a family as I shared the story of baby Jesus. I finished the story of our savior's birth and started handing out the presents. Over the course of 2 hours lights and ornaments began to emerge as our tree slowly became visible again. Suddenly I heard a whimpering cry to my left. I looked over to see my daughter giving a strong correction to one of her children. I went over to investigate and learned that the child was upset because, “Grandma missed one gift.” Kathy has overseen the administration for our businesses for our entire marriage. She’s looked over hundreds of spreadsheets, time cards, and other documents. I had a hard time believing that she would miss a gift on a Christmas list. Kathy went to our office and came back a moment later with a somber look on her face. “I did forget one gift,” she said with compassion. “I’m so sorry,” she explained while choking back tears. Trying to smooth the situation over, she added, “I’ll go tomorrow and buy the gift I missed.” In our quest to bless our family, we had unknowingly sown seeds of entitlement into the soil of their little hearts. Something that was a great sacrifice for us was disregarded in a child's expectation for more. We live in a world where entitlement runs rampant. It doesn’t always look like throwing a temper tantrum over a forgotten gift. Sometimes it can be the anger that comes when your coffee order takes too long, or it can be the person who is driving in front of you who's not driving your preferred speed limit. These small seeds of entitlement can take root in our heart and if we’re not careful they can lead to a life led by pride. Gratitude is what breaks entitlement in your life. I’m going to share 3 ways to think differently about gratitude this season. 1. Gratitude is a discipline. Gratitude is not merely a fleeting emotion but a discipline that aligns our hearts with God’s truth and His will. Gratitude requires intentionality, often going against the grain of our natural tendencies to complain or focus on what we lack. Scripture commands us to "give thanks in all circumstances" (1 Thessalonians 5:18), not because life is always easy, but because gratitude acknowledges God’s sovereignty and goodness regardless of our situation. Cultivating gratitude as a discipline trains our souls to see life through the lens of God’s faithfulness, fostering a spirit of humility and trust. It shifts our focus from temporal struggles to eternal promises, rooting our joy in the unchanging nature of God rather than the shifting sands of circumstance. 2. Gratitude changes your attitude about situations Gratitude has the power to transform our perspective on even the most challenging situations. From a biblical standpoint, it shifts our focus from what we lack to what God has already provided, reminding us of His faithfulness and provision. When we choose gratitude, we realign our hearts to trust in God's sovereignty and His ability to work all things for our good (Romans 8:28). This perspective doesn't necessarily change the situation itself, but it changes us —replacing fear, frustration, or bitterness with peace, hope, and contentment. Gratitude reframes trials as opportunities for growth and deepens our awareness of God's presence, enabling us to face life's difficulties with a renewed attitude of faith and trust. 3. Gratitude Cures Entitlement Gratitude is the antidote to entitlement. It shifts our hearts from demanding what we believe we deserve to recognizing every blessing as an unmerited gift from God. Entitlement breeds discontentment, rooted in the false belief that we are owed something, while gratitude humbles us, reminding us that all we have comes from God's grace. As James 1:17 says, "Every good and perfect gift is from above," and acknowledging this truth uproots the pride that fuels entitlement. Instead of fixating on unmet expectations, gratitude cultivates a spirit of thanksgiving, teaching us to celebrate God’s goodness and approach life with humility and joy. In this posture, we find freedom from the restless pursuit of "more" and learn the richness of contentment in Christ. As we reflect on the story of that Christmas morning and the lessons it taught us, it’s clear that gratitude is more than a seasonal sentiment—it’s a heart posture that can reshape our lives. Entitlement may creep in subtly, disguised as disappointment or frustration, but gratitude stands as its cure, redirecting our hearts toward humility and joy. This season, let’s commit to cultivating gratitude—not just for the blessings we see, but for the ways God works in every circumstance. May we remember that every good gift comes from Him, and may our hearts overflow with thanksgiving, transforming how we live, love, and give. What are you grateful for? Share in the comments below!
By Kris Vallotton November 20, 2024
For many the Holidays can be one of the most beautiful and anticipated times of the year and yet, for others, it can be filled with stress, striving and the straining of our wallets, time and energy. Some families are able to find fellowship in the festivities, gathered around tables with good tidings and joy. The holidays for them often seem similar to the portrayals in the Hallmark movies. At the same time, others are experiencing the reality of fractured friendships and past memories that fuel feelings of loneliness. The holiday season for this group can often serve as a reminder of brokenness and pain. In such a polarizing season it’s important to be intentional about guarding our hearts against cynicism, loneliness and even sadness. Here are 3 Practical ways to lift your spirits if you find yourself getting down during the holiday season. 1. Remember God’s past miracles and works in your life. Remembrance is one of the most powerful positions we can take when facing an emotionally challenging season. In the Old Testament the Israelites would set up stones of remembrance in the places where God did great miracles. Whenever they would travel past them they could look and remember the things that the Lord did in that place. Recount the seasons and situations in your life where the Lord came through and did the miracle. You could go a step further and write them on a piece of paper and hang it somewhere in your house. Psalm 103:2-5 says, Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits— who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s. Let me encourage you, if you are struggling to see a moment worthy of memorial in your life, remember that the greatest memorial you have is meeting Jesus, the one who died for your sins and through whom you can have access to and perfect relationship with God the Father. 2. Cultivate thankfulness in your heart no matter how you “feel.” Thankfulness is the fruit of humility and the offspring of gratitude towards God. Giving thanks shouldn’t just be relegated to one day a year, but rather it should be a lifestyle. After all, the power of thankfulness goes far beyond connecting us around a beautiful table. Thankfulness is the door to happiness and the gate to heaven (remember, we enter His gates with thanksgiving). It’s the cure for arrogance, the inoculation for depression and it’s a force against the spirit of entitlement. Thankfulness is the fruit of humility and the offspring of gratitude towards God. Thankfulness has saved many marriages, rescued children from the grips of bitterness, and delivered countless souls from the political spirit. Thankfulness is a field that must be cultivated, weeded and seeded. So what will you do to get the soil of your heart ready this season? I want to challenge you to express thankfulness for the things you see everyday. It could be the meal you had this morning, the ability to connect with your community, or even for the clothes on your back! Take it a step further and express your thanksgiving out loud, even if it's only for you to hear. 3. Fight Isolation and discipline yourself into community. A common pain point for many people during the Holidays is the feeling of loneliness. There’s something about knowing that people gather everywhere that can press the wound of someone that is struggling with loneliness. There is a very real temptation to isolate and wallow in misery. We all have a deep need to feel like we belong to a place or group. This need is healthy because we’re made to live in connection with others. The challenge is, there are countless devices at our fingertips that give us a false sense of community and connection; they are a temporary aid to the deep need for real deep connection . I want to challenge you to pick up your phone and call someone when the temptation to isolate comes up. Find someone to be with, even if it's for a quick coffee or lunch on the weekend. Galatians 6:2 calls us to, “Carry each other's Burdens…” Don’t deny someone the chance to love and care for you. Whether the holidays are your favorite time of year, or you want to fall asleep and wake up in March, I want to encourage you to lean into what God wants to do in your heart for this season. If the holidays are hard for you, let’s believe together that this could be the year of redemption!
By Kris Vallotton November 5, 2024
Have you ever felt the pressure to be perfect? To hide your flaws and present a polished version of yourself to the world? I know I have. But what if I told you that your imperfections are actually your greatest strength? A few years ago I was able to visit Winston Churchill's home, and something seemingly simple struck me. It wasn't the trophies or accolades that covered the walls, but there was a single worn leather cracked chair where Churchill sat and a well-used desk with the finish worn off where he crafted his speeches. It was these imperfections that told a story of a life lived fully, of struggles overcome, of a legacy forged through adversity. In our world of Instagram filters and carefully curated social media profiles and descriptions, we've lost sight of the beauty in our brokenness, the importance of our imperfections. We've forgotten that it's our flaws that make us human, relatable, and ultimately, powerful. The apostle Paul understood this when he wrote, "But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me" (2 Corinthians 12:9). Paul in his wisdom understood the importance of boasting in his weakness. The wise see weakness as the key to God’s power prevailing at its perfect timing. Let me be clear: God doesn't call us to be perfect. He calls us to be authentic. The challenge is that we don’t typically embrace our weakness in a way that leads to power. So how do we embrace our imperfections and live authentically in a world that demands perfection? Here are 3 ways you can subtly shift your thinking about your imperfections and see the power in your weakness. 1. Acknowledge Your Weaknesses It's time we stop hiding our flaws and start owning them. When we acknowledge our weaknesses, we open ourselves up to growth and connection. Remember, it's in our vulnerability that others find the courage to be real too. There are many people living in denial about their weakness and putting on the mask of perfection. When we don’t acknowledge our weakness we make no room for God’s Power to be made perfect. Weakness does not mean powerlessness. 2. Celebrate Your Unique Journey Your story, with all its ups and downs, is what makes you who you are. Instead of comparing yourself to others, celebrate the unique path God has led you on. Your experiences, even the painful ones, have shaped you and equipped you for your purpose. It’s easy to slip into a victim mindset and go down the winding mental path of “what if”, but your story isn't a surprise to the Lord. 3. Trust the Word of the Lord. There are many stories in the Bible where God would call someone to do something when they are unqualified. He told Moses to be a voice for the people when he had a stutter and He called David to be a King when he was just a boy. What I’m getting at is that God can’t lie. When the Lord has spoken something over you that becomes your truth, but the timing is in His hands. One day at church a woman came up to me and said that I had the mantle of C.S. Lewis. I actually laughed at her and said, “That would have to be God!” I have no education and can’t even spell, let alone write! Writing was most definitely a weakness of mine, but God’s word doesn’t return void. I acknowledged my weakness and trusted the word over my life, I started writing about a year after that. It wasn’t easy at first, it took hard work, discipline, and even tears! Now I’ve written over a dozen books as well as other written content and curriculum. I'm still not very good at spelling, but the Lord's strength is made perfect in my weakness. So today, I challenge you to embrace your flaws. To step out from behind the masks and filters. To be courageously, beautifully, authentically you. Because the world doesn’t need more perfect people; it needs more authentic ones. Remember, in God's economy, it's not the flawless who change the world. It's the broken, the imperfect, the ones who know their need for grace. And that, my friends, is the most beautiful thing of all! Where have you seen God’s power working through your weakness? Share in the comments to bring encouragement to others!
By Kris Vallotton October 2, 2024
In a world that constantly demands our attention, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. Social media, with its endless notifications and comparisons, can fuel stress and anxiety, leaving us depleted and disconnected. The pressure to keep up can quietly erode our sense of peace and well-being, and oftentimes we are left wondering “what happened?” Picture this: It's 2 AM, and you're still laying in bed scrolling through your phone, eyes burning from the blue light. The alarm is set for 6 AM, but sleep seems like a distant dream. You know you should put it away, but something is drawing you back in. Sound familiar? You're not alone. In fact, this scenario is playing out in homes across the world, night after night. But what if I told you that this seemingly innocent habit could be wreaking havoc on your spiritual well being? Beneath the surface of these digital distractions lie deeper spiritual realities. The Bible reminds us that we are not merely bodies or minds, but eternal souls. Ephesians 6:12 says “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.” When we lose sight of this truth, we open the door to struggles that impact our mental, emotional, and spiritual health. What I’m getting at is, the enemy will use the physical things of this world to lure us into a spiritual stronghold. Some of the problems that you may be facing today may be more spiritual than you think, but they can be solved in the physical! Proverbs 17:22 tells us, "A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." How true this is! But in our fast-paced, always-on world, finding that joy can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. So, how do we reclaim our joy and restore balance to our lives? Let me share with you 4 simple yet powerful physical habits that can lead to a healthier spiritual life: 1. Stop Forsaking Sleep There was a study done quite a few years ago that showed that since the invention of the lightbulb we are getting an hour less of sleep per night than before! Now we have smart phones that charge an arm's length away from our pillows constantly calling for our attention. Psalm 4:8 says “In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety.” Create a bedtime routine, dim the lights, and put away those screens. Your brain will thank you. 2. Soak Up the Sun We've become a society of cave dwellers, spending most of our time indoors. But our bodies crave sunlight! Make it a point to step outside every day, even if it's just for a few minutes. Let the warmth of the sun remind you of God's constant presence in your life. God made a beautiful creation, go outside and enjoy it! 3. Manage Your Stress In a world where bad news is just a click away, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. The reality is that we weren’t created to be all knowing, and we are unable to bear the burdens of the world. Only Jesus can do that! God tells us in Philippians 4:6-7 , "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Take time to disconnect, pray, cast your cares on him and find peace in His presence. 4. Move Your Body Our ancestors didn't need gym memberships – their daily lives provided all the exercise they needed. While we can't all go back to plowing fields, we can make a conscious effort to incorporate more movement into our days. You don't have to run a marathon, take the stairs, go for a walk, or have a dance party in your living room! Our bodies are wonderfully complex creations, and sometimes, the simplest changes can have the most profound effects. The challenge is to recognize that our mental health is not just about what's happening in our heads – it's about how we're living our lives. It's about the choices we make every day, from when we go to bed, how much time we spend outdoors, and the situations we allow to burden our heart. With all this in mind, I want to encourage you to take a good, hard look at your lifestyle. Are you giving your body and mind what they need to thrive? Or are you, like so many of us, caught up in the whirlwind of modern life, neglecting the basics that keep us balanced? It's time to hold to these small simple habits, and reclaim the joy and peace that God intends for us to have. Take time to reflect—are you giving your body and mind what they need to thrive? Prioritize the small habits that make up your daily life and reclaim the joy and peace God intends for you.
By Kris Vallotton September 3, 2024
In a world where titles and power often overshadow true leadership, courage often stands as the beacon that inspires and unites us. One of my favorite movies is BraveHeart. If you’re unfamiliar with the classic, allow me to paint a picture of the memorable scene. William Wallace, in the shadow of a castle, his makeshift army at his back, is refusing to compromise with tyranny and is fighting for the freedom of his land. With fierce conviction in his conversation with Robert the Bruce, he declares an iconic line that “men follow courage, not titles.” This courage is not about loud declarations or going with the crowd; it's about standing firm, anchored in your beliefs, even when the world tries to sway back and forth. True courage leads with integrity, inspires others to rise, and remains unwavering in the face of adversity. This is the courage that our world needs today—a courage that doesn't echo old ideas, but leads with fresh tenacity and Heaven inspired vision! Psalm 31:24 tells us to “Be strong and let your heart take courage, All you who wait for the Lord.” As we are entering into this new era, the Lord is calling out the courage in people and it is our responsibility to respond to the call and take courage. Here are 3 ways you can be intentional about cultivating courage in your life. 1. Focus on your strengths not your weaknesses. One of the main reasons people don’t act in faith is because they feel an overwhelming sense of inadequacy. It is so easy to inventory our weaknesses and disqualify ourselves from the historic exploits God has assigned to each of us. We forget that Jesus borrowed a couple of fish and some bread from a boy’s lunch box and fed a multitude. The crowd did not eat rice and beans, because the boy brought fish and loaves. Jesus multiplied what the boy had, not what he did not have. God does not care about what you don’t have. He only cares about what you do have. 2. Face your fear Have you thought about the times in the Bible where the Lord told people to not fear. In Joshua 1:9 he tells Joshua, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not be terrified nor dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” I’d like to point out that this was right after Moses, their leader and patriarch for the last 40 years, had died, they were in a new land, and they were about to battle cities that were much larger than them! Fear and uncertainty would be a natural response. Fear is a natural part of life, but it doesn’t have to define us. Courage is what we find on the other side of fear, when we choose to confront it rather than run from it. It is only in facing our fears that we can conquer them and capture our destiny. 3. Take a risk To be courageous, one must be willing to step into the unknown, to take risks without the guarantee of success. It’s in these moments that true bravery is forged. Oftentimes people will choose to live risk averse because of the fear of uncertainty. However, embracing courage means shifting that perspective—recognizing that the potential for growth, discovery, and success lies just beyond the fear. Courage is not the absence of fear, but the decision to act despite it. By focusing on the possibilities rather than the pitfalls, one can transform fear into fuel, propelling them forward into new opportunities and experiences. Courage isn’t always the roaring thunder or the blazing lightning that people often imagine. Oftentimes it’s like the steady heartbeat that keeps us moving when the winds of doubt try to knock us down. My prayer is that you will be able to find that quiet strength within yourself—the kind that persists even when the world around you seems uncertain or overwhelming. Courage doesn’t always have to be loud or dramatic; sometimes, it’s found in the small, everyday acts of resilience and determination. My hope is that you will embrace this gentle faith-filled courage, trusting that it will guide you through life’s challenges, one steady step at a time.
By Kris Vallotton August 7, 2024
When was the last time you felt truly rested? I don’t mean just a quick nap or a weekend off, but deep, soul-refreshing rest? You may feel like a weary wanderer, trudging through a chaotic, concrete jungle, each step heavy with exhaustion as you attempt the ascension of the corporate ladder. Or maybe you have a feeling of dark clouds of depletion and fatigue looming overhead, the relentless rain of responsibilities drenching you in weariness, with every breath a battle for a brief respite. In our fast-paced, always-connected world, true rest has become as rare as a quiet moment in Times Square! But what if I told you that constantly toeing the line of burnout isn't what God designed and that it's actually possible to achieve more by doing less? I remember a time when I was running on fumes. I was that man who felt a constant cloud of pressure, worry, and never-ending tasks following me every day. I learned quite a bit about rest during that time, unfortunately, it was at the expense of a three-year mental breakdown, Kathy and I having to uproot our family and move to the mountains of Northern California. It quickly became evident I was in need of a deep-seated rest. The Bible speaks to this need for rest. In fact, God Himself set the example by resting on the seventh day after creation. It wasn’t just the Father though, Jesus modeled rest, by escaping to the mountains multiple times after longer periods of ministry. What I am getting at is, God takes rest very seriously! So much so that He even instructed the Israelites in Leviticus 25:1-7 to farm the land for six years, but in the seventh year, the land was meant to have a Sabbath rest. Did you catch that? Even the land needs rest! The need for rest is something that God constructed in the corners of creation. A lifestyle of true rest is something that many people desire but few actually achieve. The truth is that God has designed us to need rest, it’s not a sign of weakness or vulnerability, but rather has been etched into the fabric of your makeup. Here are 3 things that I’ve realized about rest and some tips you can implement in your life to avoid burnout and experience the benefits of the God-given rest that He has created for us to live in! 1. Rest isn’t a natural response in today’s culture. Have you ever run into someone that you haven’t seen in a while? Maybe it was at the grocery store, or at the local park during your kid's Little League game. You strike up a conversation and one of the first questions that someone asks is “ How have you been? ” Often the response goes something like this, “ Oh I’ve been really busy! ” or “ You know, just working a lot. ” Sometimes people will ask the question outright, “ Are you keeping busy? ” I’d like to point out that in American culture it has become normal to be constantly working and neglect the need for rest! Rest is a kingdom concept that God introduced. Interestingly, it's a principle that many people are eager to ignore Let me be clear: I’m not saying we shouldn’t work hard. As Christians, we should be the hardest working people out there because we are working for the Lord, not just for our boss or company. But if you want to implement a consistent and fulfilling cycle of rest in your life, then you have to be okay with going against the grain of culture and embracing the idea of rest when many people don’t! 2. Rest won’t happen by accident. This is one of the most common misconceptions when it comes to rest… Many people believe that once they “catch up” on their work or “get ahead” of their responsibilities then they will have time to rest. The truth is there will always be another task, meeting, or responsibility lurking around the corner waiting to be done. To make matters worse, in today’s culture, we have access to work at our fingertips through smartphones and laptops. In some ways, it’s a great blessing, it allows people the freedom to work from home, and increases productivity for many businesses. However; it comes at a great cost. We aren’t able to “go home” from work. One practical thing you can do is look at your calendar and create an event called “REST.” Block it out and say no to conflicting calendar invitations and create the time to rest because it won’t happen by accident. 3. Proper rest requires proper boundaries. If you don’t manage your life, others will. If you don’t take care of yourself, no one else will. One of the biggest causes of a congested schedule is overcommitting your yes. The truth is if you want to set boundaries that allow you to rest, you're going to have to say no to opportunities and people. This can be especially hard for recovering people pleasers, but if you value your “no” as much as you value your “yes”, then you will be able to create margin to do things that are truly life-giving, and minimize the things that drain you. Let me leave you with three practical steps that you can take right now to help create more rest among a busy schedule! Embrace the idea of rest even when the culture around you doesn't! Make an event, and schedule “rest” in your calendar. Practice your no to something this week and create margin in your calendar for rest. Oftentimes people will fall into the cycle of working, burning out, and then taking a long vacation in an attempt to fix a foundational issue. I’d like to propose that the solution to consistent burnout is a cycle of regular rest. Some of us are trying to do with vacation what God wants us to do as a lifestyle! I encourage you to ask yourself: Am I resisting rest or embracing it? Have I allowed rest to become a consistent rhythm in my life, or have I relinquished control of my life to my calendar?
By Kris Vallotton July 30, 2024
Have you ever received a prophetic word that felt more hurtful than helpful? Maybe you’ve received a word that left you more confused and uncertain, walking away with more questions than answers. These interactions are a reminder that delivering prophetic words requires love and wisdom. Some ask, “Isn’t God in control of everything?” He is in charge, but he is not in control. Think about it; if God was in control of the planet, there would be no more sin, no death, no sickness, no child abuse, no murder, no hatred, etc. God is in charge of everything, but He has left us in control.
A little boy is standing on a set of stairs.
By Kris Vallotton June 5, 2024
The apostle Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 14:3, “The one who prophesies speaks to men for edification, and exhortation, and consolation.” We understand from this passage that the main purpose of the gift of prophecy is for edification, exhortation, and consolation. Edification means “to build up,” exhortation means “to call near,” and consolation means “to cheer up.” In fact, the gifts of the Holy Spirit are some of the love languages of God. When we prophesy over someone, that person should feel kissed by God. When we operate in the gift of healing, the person we are ministering to should feel embraced by God, and no one should have to be delivered from his or her last deliverance!
By Kris Vallotton May 1, 2024
Many of us have been misled into thinking that to love ourselves is a form of selfishness. Yet, what does Scripture really say? 'Love your neighbor as yourself'—this commandment from the Bible isn't just an instruction to love others but a divine mandate that ties our ability to love others to how much we cherish and accept ourselves. As we unpack this, let’s redefine what it truly means to love ourselves in the light of God's word, discovering how this self-love is not selfish but is actually the cornerstone of genuine relationships.
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