Have you ever received a prophetic word that felt more hurtful than helpful? Maybe you’ve received a word that left you more confused and uncertain, walking away with more questions than answers. These interactions are a reminder that delivering prophetic words requires love and wisdom. Some ask, “Isn’t God in control of everything?” He is in charge, but he is not in control. Think about it; if God was in control of the planet, there would be no more sin, no death, no sickness, no child abuse, no murder, no hatred, etc. God is in charge of everything, but He has left us in control.
Let me explain: In Psalm 115:16, we read, “The heavens are the heavens of the Lord, but the earth He has given to the sons of men.” The earthly realm is under the dominion and control of humankind. Therefore we must operate responsibly in the supernatural realm and establish guidelines for the prophetic ministry.
First, let me give an example of how to NOT give a prophetic word.
Many years ago when we first started attending a charismatic church, there was a woman who would abruptly stand up in the middle of the pastor's sermon. She would shake, tremble, and then scream out a message in tongues nearly every Sunday. This was followed by an interpretation of equal volume, spoken in dramatic King James English. Her response to any attempt to bring order to her message was met with, “You are trying to quench the Spirit.” After many attempts to reason with her, she was finally ushered out of the church. She “shook off the dust from her feet” and never returned.
Guidelines for Prophetic Ministry
These are not laws, but rather a few guidelines to help you discern your prophetic ministry. They may change and vary with each ministry.
Delivery of the Prophetic Word
Keep in mind that these guidelines are for how to deliver your prophetic words, but it’s not an exhaustive list.
- Don’t feel like you need a special language. We don’t need any old English “thees” and “thous”. Incidentally, Jesus didn’t speak King James English.
- Be aware of your demeanor, and make sure it matches that of the Holy Spirit. There is such a thing as saying the right thing done in the wrong way. The tone of our voice is just as important as the words we speak.
- Let love be the center of everything you do. Whenever we are ministering in the gifts of the spirit our motive must always be to bring out the best in people. (1 Corinthians 14:26)
Negative and/or judgmental words
Now, these are guidelines for the words that you may find yourself giving. 1 Corinthians 14:3 says, “But the one who prophesies speaks to people for edification, exhortation, and consolation.”
- The Bible is clear that life and death are in the power of our words. When we give people negative words, we often release death over them
- Our goal is to be part of a ministry that releases life and calls out the best in people.
- Remember that just because a word ends positively doesn’t mean that it is an encouraging word!
Warning or Judgment words
These guidelines are for if you find yourself receiving multiple words of warning or judgment.
- Occasionally the Lord will warn of upcoming dangerous or negative situations. He informs us so that we might pray for our or someone else’s safety. Pray until the burden lifts.
- Ask the Holy Spirit for a prophetic word that releases life into the situation. Remember, prophetic ministry releases grace for things to change.
- If the warning persists, we should submit the word to our leadership. Once it is given to them then we must relinquish ownership of the prophetic word and let them be responsible to steward it.
Lastly, sometimes we may give words that the Lord is actually speaking to us. In other words, we have prophesied over ourselves. Just like any other word, this word should be judged. It is vitally important that we submit this word to those who have authority over us, just as we would if we had received it from someone else. This is especially true if the word involves direction or life changes! Finding good leadership to submit to is key. We should only follow leaders whose life and ministry have good fruit!
I want to challenge you to begin stewarding your prophetic gift - put these points into practice. You can start by praying and asking for the Holy Spirit to give you a prophetic word for one person during a church service.
Once you feel as if you’ve heard something from the Lord, practice your prophetic protocol in delivering that word. Find a spiritual leader within your church and share with them the word that you believe the Lord gave you. They could be a pastor, elder, or deacon. Allow them to determine the authenticity and timing of the word. If you are given permission to deliver the word to that individual, be conscious of not just what you say, but how to say it!
If you want to learn more about prophecy and the prophetic, I invite you to attend the
School of the Prophets on
August 5-9, 2024. The focus of this school is not simply to teach but to activate you practically into a prophetic lifestyle and prepare you to effectively influence your unique metron and prepare the way for cultural change. Experience a fresh encounter with the Holy Spirit as we make space for Him to come and move in our midst.