Have you ever felt the pressure to be perfect? To hide your flaws and present a polished version of yourself to the world? I know I have. But what if I told you that your imperfections are actually your greatest strength?
A few years ago I was able to visit Winston Churchill's home, and something seemingly simple struck me. It wasn't the trophies or accolades that covered the walls, but there was a single worn leather cracked chair where Churchill sat and a well-used desk with the finish worn off where he crafted his speeches. It was these imperfections that told a story of a life lived fully, of struggles overcome, of a legacy forged through adversity.
In our world of Instagram filters and carefully curated social media profiles and descriptions, we've lost sight of the beauty in our brokenness, the importance of our imperfections. We've forgotten that it's our flaws that make us human, relatable, and ultimately, powerful.
The apostle Paul understood this when he wrote,
"But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
Paul in his wisdom understood the importance of boasting in his weakness.
The wise see weakness as the key to God’s power prevailing at its perfect timing.
Let me be clear: God doesn't call us to be perfect. He calls us to be authentic.
The challenge is that we don’t typically embrace our weakness in a way that leads to power. So how do we embrace our imperfections and live authentically in a world that demands perfection?
Here are
3 ways you can subtly shift your thinking about your imperfections and see the power in your weakness.
1. Acknowledge Your Weaknesses
It's time we stop hiding our flaws and start owning them. When we acknowledge our weaknesses, we open ourselves up to growth and connection. Remember, it's in our vulnerability that others find the courage to be real too. There are many people living in denial about their weakness and putting on the mask of perfection. When we don’t acknowledge our weakness we make no room for God’s Power to be made perfect. Weakness does not mean powerlessness.
2. Celebrate Your Unique Journey
Your story, with all its ups and downs, is what makes you who you are. Instead of comparing yourself to others, celebrate the unique path God has led you on. Your experiences, even the painful ones, have shaped you and equipped you for your purpose. It’s easy to slip into a victim mindset and go down the winding mental path of “what if”, but your story isn't a surprise to the Lord.
3. Trust the Word of the Lord.
There are many stories in the Bible where God would call someone to do something when they are unqualified. He told Moses to be a voice for the people when he had a stutter and He called David to be a King when he was just a boy. What I’m getting at is that God can’t lie. When the Lord has spoken something over you that becomes your truth, but the timing is in His hands.
One day at church a woman came up to me and said that I had the mantle of C.S. Lewis. I actually laughed at her and said, “That would have to be God!” I have no education and can’t even spell, let alone write! Writing was most definitely a weakness of mine, but God’s word doesn’t return void.
I acknowledged my weakness and trusted the word over my life, I started writing about a year after that. It wasn’t easy at first, it took hard work, discipline, and even tears! Now I’ve written over a dozen books as well as other written content and curriculum. I'm still not very good at spelling, but the Lord's strength is made perfect in my weakness.
So today, I challenge you to embrace your flaws. To step out from behind the masks and filters. To be courageously, beautifully, authentically you.
Because the world doesn’t need more perfect people; it needs more authentic ones.
Remember, in God's economy, it's not the flawless who change the world. It's the broken, the imperfect, the ones who know their need for grace. And that, my friends, is the most beautiful thing of all!
Where have you seen God’s power working through your weakness?
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