For over a thousand years Easter Sunday has been a celebration of Christ’s resurrection. As the church bells ring on Resurrection day so do the words “He has risen” through congregations, generations, and denominations. A victorious celebration that significantly weighs on the heart of every Believer as we remember the very day that changed our destiny.
But, beyond the Spring flowers, Easter services and homemade meals with family is profound symbolism and meaning weaved within the depths of the Resurrection story. So often we get caught up on the climax of the story (and rightfully so) - Jesus conquering death.
Now, let me be clear, by no way am I saying that the very act of Christ dying on the cross for our sins, tearing the veil, and rising from the grave in resurrection power is not enough reason to celebrate. But, the defeat of death for our debt is also a powerful demonstration of our own death and resurrection and intertwined with symbolism that should shape our faith walk. Romans 6:6-8 says that Jesus didn’t just die
you, but died
you — when Jesus rose from the dead you rose with Him. We as Believers are also walking in victory! Today, I’d like to share
four powerful points in the Resurrection story that are often overlooked.
a. When Jesus rose from the dead there were two linen wrappings - one that covered His head and one that covered His body. When He rose from the grave the wrapping that covered His body remained in the place where was laid, but His head wrapping was placed in a separate spot. I’d like to propose, the cloth that was wrapped around His body was still in place because Christ had been revealed as the head of the Church to all of creation, but creation still awaits for the Body (the sons and daughters of God) to be revealed.
b. Creation awaits for the Body to be revealed. Romans 6:19-21 says “For the eagerly awaiting creation waits for the revealing of the sons and daughters of God. For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself also will be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God.”
a. When Christ rose again, He broke the curse! Now we live from the blessing of reaping what we sow. He broke the curse so we actually can receive what we are supposed to receive.
a. Jesus wasn’t the first to be resurrected, but He was the first to be born from the dead. What I am getting at is He was the very first to be born again by the Spirit of God. Now when we accept Jesus we are stepping into the legacy of Jesus - we are born again.
a. Isn’t it interesting that Jesus has scars for eternity? You might think that your scars are bad, but they are a symbol of your testimony. A reminder of the very thing that no longer has power over you and the victory found in Jesus.
I encourage you today to remember what Christ did on the cross. You are now seated in Heavenly places and living from a place of victory! The veil has been torn, the devil lost his power over you.
As we reflect on this Easter and the incredible significance it holds, I pray you are filled with faith and expectation for the resurrection power of God to move through your life!