Every generation is marked by significant societal moments, clear characteristics, and distinctive difficulties. Every era is given the opportunity to set its own precedence in discoveries, technologies, and knowledge based on the foundation the previous generations paved. An ecosystem that is often not acknowledged, but rather the contrasting belief systems, attributes, and cultures are found in tension with each other.
It is evident that in this very moment in history, we have seen the hand of God on the youth of this generation; Gen Z. From the Asbury revival to student-led outpourings all over the nation, He obviously has a clear plan to touch the hearts of youth. Yet, as a man well into my sixties, it is evident to me how different my generation is from the current one we are living in. I have eleven grandchildren that I love dearly and I often stand fascinated by the life they live; it sometimes feels as far different from mine as night is to day. And I am certain it goes both ways. Sometimes the passing generations just don’t understand each other. Yet, after my recent conversation with Night Norona and Josh Altamura, the hosts of the popular podcast Juvy, a podcast dedicated to breaking the stereotype of Gen Z, I left inspired, fascinated, and curious. I felt prompted to peer into the minds of the youth of this day and age to seek to understand rather than make judgments and broad statements. While we were talking, Night Norona stated, “If we are going to have the conversation about Gen Z, let’s have it with the goal to seek to understand each other, not trying to prove each other right or wrong.” After this riveting conversation, I couldn’t agree more, by the end of the conversation I actually began to think we may just find there is more we have in common than in contrast. What I am getting at is heart longings, difficulties, and desires ring true throughout every generation - we need each other, it’s the Lord's divine design for humanity. Just think about when you open your Bible, you resonate with people's lives that lived 2,000 years ago in a completely different culture.
The truth is, we actually have a responsibility and reason for leaving a legacy that will benefit the generations to come. It is evident throughout all of scripture that the Lord cares for the future generations. Psalms 22:30 says,“ Posterity shall serve him; it shall be told of the Lord to the coming generation ; They will proclaim his righteousness, declaring to a people yet unborn: He has done it!”
I want to charge you today - how will your life affect the generations to come? Are you living for the current success of life or with a legacy in mind? What will ring true about you in the generations to come? Maybe even jot it down so you remember the purpose you’re living for on days where uncertainty undermines your vision. You have been called to be a pioneer, to pave the way, to set a precedent the next generation will spring from.