Has social media become a soapbox influencing the norms of culture? Have humanistic ideals infiltrated our churches and influenced our congregations; building cornerstones of confusion as belief systems to concur with? The top leaders of our day continue to search, investigate, and strategize solutions for the moral dilemmas that we face today.
But, I’d propose that if we continue to rely on ourselves to discover the truth of what is right and wrong, we will dig ourselves into a deeper hole of self-serving “truths.” So often, we influence our view of God by creating a God made in our own image rather than a people made in the image of God (1 John 3:2). This is a dangerous perception of truth - distorting the very reality of who He is and who we were created to be. Ultimately affecting the very decisions we make in response to society.
A couple of weeks ago I had a conversation with Cole Zick, the Co-Director of Moral Revolution about the truth about sexuality. Cole and his wife Cait are pioneering a moral revolution, confronting the most challenging topics, and breaking down the daunting moral problems of our day. It’s often the very places we don’t want to confront that need the most Truth spoken into them. Yet, our society can not afford for us to remain silent on the subject of identity and sexuality any longer.
The truth is that the morals of any society are not determined only by right and wrong; instead, they are often established by courageous people who brave the backlash of public opinion and forge new “norms.” If you’ve noticed, cowards are always the first to surrender their souls to a shouting society, the sympathetic follow their suit, and then the politicians. Intellectuals tend to follow close behind as they exchange the reasonable for the ridiculous and rationalize until facts become fables. I’m curious, where are you in all of this? When are the true Believers going to step out of the crowd of cowards and pioneer a path forward with divine wisdom, supernatural strategies, and offer the world transformative love that actually does conquer a multitude of sins?
Another point I want you to consider is that Jesus was tempted in every way, but He never sinned, therefore temptation is not a sin! In fact, temptation is not only common, it’s normal. Temptation is to our soul what exercise is to our bodies. Similarly, what you have done is not who you are - your behavior does not dictate your identity. Your identity was established before the beginning of time. Nothing you do can change the core of your identity in Christ.
I want to encourage you this week to look at the areas in your life or in the world around you that you have shied away from. Ask the Lord for supernatural solutions on how you can approach the sticky subject of society with a Kingdom perspective and Heavenly solutions. You have been called to be an ambassador of Christ, a cornerstone of Truth and faith among a confused and questioning crowd.