Kris Vallotton • Apr 02, 2018

What To Do When You Lose Your Wonder

Do you remember the feeling of being young in God, freshly saved, and in awe of every miracle you see happening around you? I love that wide-eyed wonder so much! But where does the wonder go as we grow in God? What if it could get brighter instead of duller? And if you’re a new believer, how do you keep the wonder and even grow in it? Today I want to encourage you with this thought: life with God can be even more miraculous as we grow older with Him. The wonder, in fact, doesn’t have to fade!

I love the zeal that new believers walk in, but the truth is that as we age in God, our testimonies should increase! We should grow in courage as we grow in our connection with the One who makes us courageous! I want to invite you to watch this video to hear more about the importance of growing in our testimonies as we get older.

In a nutshell:

• One of the signs that you rose with Christ is that people talk about your stories and testimonies.

• Your testimonies are important to right down because they’re community property. It’s the testimony of Jesus that is the spirit of prophecy (Revelation 19:10).

• It’s important that we have daily testimonies. It’s important that your best testimony isn’t fifty years ago, but rather that you have a life with God that is ongoing.

• The older you get in God, the greater your testimonies can be. We’re supposed to grow brighter and brighter!

• I want to have testimonies that are far greater than the testimonies I had when I first started following Jesus.

• Courage is not just for the young. It grows as you grow in God.

• It’s important that we’re around people who are experiencing the Kingdom for the first time. But it’s also important that those of us who have been walking with God for a long time don’t get stuck at one level, but rather go from glory to glory with God.


I know most of you have heard the verse that the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy, but have you ever thought about what that looks like in everyday life? One of the ways that people know you’re in Christ is by the God stories in your life; by the testimonies that are consistently displaying Jesus working in and through you! The beginning of our testimonies is our salvation, but God’s heart is that we would grow in His displays of affection over our lives. Salvation is just the beautiful beginning! Take some time to take inventory of your wonder today. Is it a fading light in the distance of your memory of just being saved? Is it a small flame still burning in your heart, vulnerable to the elements of life?


If you need God to breathe into the fire of wonder in your heart then take some time to put thankfulness in the forefront of you heart. Write down ten things you’re thankful for today, lift your head up, and look at the beauty around you! You may have to push through to see it but I know this practice always creates breakthrough! We enter His courts with thanksgiving!
Wherever you are in your walk with God today I want to challenge you to go deeper, push further and take a bigger risk. How can you be growing in your testimonies? Maybe it’s simply sharing something amazing He’s doing in your life with a friend, and maybe it’s stepping out to pray for someone for healing? Whatever your step in courage is today, I bless you with increase in power and authority, and strength to keep running the good race He has set before you!

If you have any cool testimonies to share I’d love to hear them in the comments below! Perhaps that’s your step forward today and I’d love to be a part of it.


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