Every so often in the course of history, there are individuals born who defy common reason and statistical explanation. These are the great ones who break the tether of their generation’s expectations and rise to the high call that seems to echo from somewhere beyond the grave. There’s a distinct and inspiring lesson we can learn from history makers—they were famous for what they did, not for what they didn’t do!
I have a sense that the church has, in some ways, allowed ourselves to become known for our boxes instead of our passions…that is, famous for what we don’t do because of our “righteous” constrictions. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be known for all the things I didn’t do, but rather
for the change I made in my lifetime.
Many of us find our inner man longing, stirring, and burning for the great adventure. Live or die, we must press through the walls of mediocrity and find the Promised Land of our souls. We live with a passion to be numbered among those who have gained fame in the halls of Heaven and are feared among the prison guards of hell. If we are going to walk as God’s ruling royalty, we have to:
1. Pray unceasingly.
2. Give sacrificially.
3. Dream unreasonably.
4. Serve wholeheartedly.
5. Love unashamedly.
6. Walk innocently.
7. Believe undoubtingly.
8. Live powerfully.
These are the qualities of the Bride of Christ in all of her glory. She is called to be the most creative force on the face of the earth.
What stops us from living out this call as the Bride? I am convinced that religion is the problem, and it’s the father of genetic cloning. Religion invented cloning long before the world ever thought of it. Religion has a way of sucking the most powerful people on the planet into a spiritual look-alike contest, calling it discipleship.
True discipleship is meant to empower people to be transformed into the image of their Creator, but religion redefines the terms, conforming people into replicas of their leaders. Religion takes God’s mighty men and makes them artifacts in a museum.
Religious people, like the Pharisees of old, have the hardest time reaching out to folks who think “outside of the box” and don’t behave inside their hopeless shackles. Part of the struggle comes from what they have done to the Savior of the world. They have sterilized the gospel. Jesus took water and turned it to wine, but 2,000 years later, today’s Pharisees have diluted it to grape juice.
The death of Christ paid for our sins, but it was His resurrection that gave life to our mortal bodies. Religion embraces death sadistically and moves the risen Christ out of the garden and back to the tomb.
We have lost sight of the fact that the Cross was for the old man not the new man, and that
the true Christian life is not about dying for Christ, but living in the life He purchased for us to establish His Kingdom on earth!
The Church must shake off the shackles of religion and embrace our supernatural destiny.
One of the strongest weapons we have against the religious mindset that puts us in boxes is a true connection with God as our Father. Understanding and experiencing the Father heart of God is an inoculation against the counterfeit of religion, which is simply works without a relationship with the One who loves us the most. World changers know who their Daddy is, and they know what they have access to as the children of the King of Kings!
We don’t all have to be the president to make a difference in the world, however, we can take steps today towards becoming a world changer today. Regardless of your station in life, it is imperative that you walk out your identity and understand the ways royal people influence authority.
Why? Because if you want to have influence, but you don’t know who you are, it’s easy to reduce yourself to social begging, hoping that the BIG, powerful people feel compassion for you and help your cause.
This poisonous poverty mindset reduces the Christian message to a cry for help instead of a call for leadership. So my encouragement for you this week is to remember who God says you are and ask yourself this question: Is there any place in your life where you think or act like an orphan instead of as a royal child of the living God?
If the answer is yes, then put that thing before God, and let Holy Spirit speak to you about how He sees you. If we all walk out our royal identity I believe the natural next step is a world filled with changers!
We are all called to be history makers! Are you learning to carry His power and authority into every realm of society? Tell me about it in the comments.