Kris Vallotton • Apr 25, 2018

The Problem With Premature Promotion (and Why It’s Worth Waiting for God’s Timing)

Waiting on God—this can be one of the most challenging aspects of a Christian walk. Perhaps you know that there’s a destiny on your life and want it to go ahead and start already, or maybe you’re hungry to be influential and are seeking out opportunities to lead. The waiting season is important but it’s one that most people want to avoid, thinking that it’s boring or painful… but what if we realized that the Lord is not a distant God who is withholding good things from us? What if we shifted our perspective from seeing waiting as withholding and rather as preparation?


When I think of waiting, I think of a good Father who wants to pull me in close and teach me His ways, and I think of God’s protection. Did you ever think that waiting might just be the best thing for you, and the people around you? So why do people get prematurely promoted? I think one side of the coin is that people don’t know the timing or season God has them in, so they jump ahead before they’re properly prepared.

However another side of the coin has to do with the people who promote others before the time is right. Leaders: do you realize that if you rob people of a waiting season, and promote them before they’re ready, you could do more damage than help?


One challenge I see in the church is what I call “Eager Beavers.” It’s the pressure that many leaders feel to be “vogue” with their peers. Let me explain with an example I see playing out regarding prophets (an important part of the government of the church). I have watched leaders take the most prophetic person in their environment and commission them as their “house prophet.” This is a mistake because installing somebody in the office of a prophet or prophetess prematurely is not only unhealthy for the person being promoted, but it can also be a devastating experience for the congregation.

In the same way, promoting the most creative person to a creative leadership role may not be the best idea if that person doesn’t want to, or know how, to manage people.

When we, as leaders, succumb to the pressure to be spiritually current and then unwisely promote people, we are setting them up to fail. I have watched many inexperienced and unprepared people, who were genuinely called to influence, but commissioned prematurely, be literally destroyed by the very thing that they are destined to become.

Many of them get disillusioned, leave ministry, or avoid leading forever simply because their leaders did not use wisdom in preparing these precious people for their God-given purpose.


Between the promise and the palace there should always be a process—one that is natural and needed. It is the process that prepares and develops us so that we have the character that it takes and the skills that are necessary to be successful in the palace sort of speak. This not only applies to prophets but to any leader who has a calling to be in a place of influence. We all need the process of preparation before the promotion.


In order for the next generation of leaders to be fully restored to society and to the church, we will need wise spiritual mothers and fathers who can develop a process that prepares them for the challenges that lie ahead. Whether you’re a small group leader, a mentor or even if you don’t have an official leadership title, we are all called to be mothers and fathers in the family of the Kingdom.

So, when you look at the people God has put in your life, and see their potential, remember to be both an encourager and a developer. Be their biggest champion and their kindest teacher. Be willing to both inspire, and take the time to come alongside them in their process. Seek God’s timing in their promotion, and use wisdom in the preparation season.


For those of you who are waiting on God, ask Him what you’re supposed to be getting from this season. How can you get the most out this time, and what can you do to stay in faith and see this through God’s eyes? Remember that everything works together for good in the end, so if it’s not good, it’s not the end (Romans 8:28)! He will be faithful to you and your current season is really one of learning and preparation, so get the fullness out of where you are now because you won’t be there again.

Are you in the process of preparation? Tell me about it in the comments below.


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